Dvd drive not showing up in device manager
Dvd drive not showing up in device manager

If you have to do this there is something wrong with either drive motors or the power to the motors as the power to the DVD drive is there because it appears in the This PC list and the sata interface in the DVD drive needs power to work. The tray should open far enough for you to grab hold of it to gently pull it all the way out.

dvd drive not showing up in device manager

Insert an opened paperclip into the hole and gently push. If is appears but will not open there should be a paperclip sized hole in the front of the DVD drive. If it is, try right click on the icon and select eject or open etc to see if the tray opens.

dvd drive not showing up in device manager

Have you checked that the drive is appearing in "This PC" in your Win10 laptop (open File Explorer from the taskbar and select This PC)?

Dvd drive not showing up in device manager